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Image by Peter Kasprzyk

Dental Implants Procedure

Undergoing dental implant treatment might seem a little daunting – but it needn’t. Here we explain the step-by-step process followed in most implant treatment programmes.

Preliminary consultation (non-clinical)

If you’re considering dental implant treatment and want to find out more, many dentists are happy to provide a short preliminary discussion free of charge. Here you will discuss your dental problems and discover the treatment options available to you, plus get an idea about costs, payment options and time frames.

Next step - Clinical assessment

Your dentist will carry out a thorough clinical examination. Based on the results of these examinations, your dentist will assess your suitability for dental implant treatment. Treatment options and costs are then carefully planned before the treatment begins, and you’ll receive an outline of the proposed programme in writing.

Preparation - for some cases

In some cases you might require preparatory treatment before your implant treatment can begin. For example, teeth that are beyond recovery may need extracting, or you could require bone grafting or some other preliminary surgery. This should already have been explained to you during the clinical assessment and be detailed in your treatment plan.

Implant placement

Implant placement is a surgical procedure and is carried out under local anaesthetic or intravenous sedation.  Your required implants will be inserted carefully and painlessly into your jaw. The implants themselves are made from titanium which is a metal that fuses well with our body’s bone and tissues to create a stable and strong foundation that should last years.

Fitting the replacement tooth/teeth (implant restoration)

The restoration of a dental implant is similar to the restoration of a conventional crown, bridge or denture:

  • Once the implant has fused with the bone the implants are uncovered and abutments – the posts on which the replacement tooth/teeth will rest – are fitted

  • An impression (similar to a plaster cast) is taken of your gum and abutments and is then sent to dental lab for prosthetic teeth to be manufactured

  • Once produced, your crown, bridge or denture is fitted and checked

  • After a few weeks, you’ll be invited for a review to confirm that everything is satisfactory – they will look to see if there is any movement and of course make sure that there is no pain and you are comfortable with your new teeth.

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First person shot female doctor talking to a young woman patient. Discussion of the treatm

Implant Dentistry

All the information you need on looking after your implants.

Image by Caroline LM

Implant aftercare

All the information you need on looking after your implants.

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